Title Schmitle.

I think I am going to skip NaBloPoMo in March. I will still post regularly, but sometimes I'm busy and tired, and I just don't have anything to say! Like tonight! It's already 11:00 PM and I still have to post this blog and take a photo.

I'm going to play some Guitar Hero with my husband now... I will probably take a pic of him playing the cheesy fake guitar. Haha.

A few little updates. I might have to put C25k on hold for a bit. Too much snow and slush, not a lot of clear roads. I don't know. We'll see. I'm still pretty excited about doing it, so don't take that to mean I am procrastinating, I'm not!

I'm thinking about buying Wii Fit. It's kind of expensive, but it seems like it would be fun, and another way to exercise. I've been wanting it for a while.

And, on May 15th our local flight training center at the county airport is hosting a Learn to Fly day!! It's basically an open house, with information, seminars, contests, and discounted discovery flights! you ave to get tickets, but they are free. They are available March 1st and I can't wait!

Well, hopefully I will be more in the mood to write tomorrow. I need to get caught up on all my favorite blogs, too! I haven't had a chance to visit them for a while. I need some relaxing, blog reading "me" time!


    Hey Mandy , i agree with you ..i think im going to give NaBloPoMo a rest in the month of March ..Somedays all i want to do is read and not write ..
    Well dont you get worked up ..it will all feel better tomorrow ..
    So sleep tight and have a lovely weekend :)


    I started blogging three days a week minimum. It's nice. I feel like I have my life back.
    I did c25K a year and a half ago. It was great. Then my knee went out ant I thought I couldn't jog anymore. Now my knee is so good, I think I'll do it again. I have a nasty sore throat today, so maybe nest week. XD